Tuesday, December 24, 2019
A Comparison Of The Apology And Niccolo Machiavelli And...
Plato’s The Apology and Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince provide two opposing views of the ideal ruler and government. The seminal works attempt to uncover the true definition of justice which becomes the basis from which they craft their vision of effective civil leadership. The two men, both influenced by the times of similar conflict and chaos in which they worked, espouse divergent beliefs regarding proper and effective authority. This difference is rooted in a fundamental incongruity between their views of human nature. Socrates, as an ancient Greek philosopher and teacher, views the individual as a sacred and beautiful being capable of reason and great wisdom while Machiavelli believes that the people are inferior to their leaders†¦show more content†¦As a result, Machiavelli was unconcerned with justice as fairness, rather he regarded any action that strengthened the prince or the state as being just. He believed that the goal of preserving power was jus t and therefore any action taken to achieve this end was in turn just. This notion of justice stands in stark contrast to Socrates’ views as conveyed in The Apology. Plato’s account of Socrates’ defense against charges of corrupting the youth and heresy, reveal the ancient teacher’s view of justice as fairness and support of rule of law. In the Apology, Socrates faces a moral dilemma: to either accept his punishment for crimes he did not commit or to accept the assistance of his friends and escape death by the hand of the state. His choice to accept death in order to maintain rule of law reveals his belief of justice. He beliefs his punishment to be just not because he committed the crimes but because his sentence came through a legal process to which he consented. By sparing his life, he would weaken the justice system of Athens which he values above his own existence. This difference between the two men’s beliefs regarding justice draws the sharp est contrast in their views of effective leadership and government. The fundamental incongruity between Machiavelli and Socrates stems from what they value in a ruler. The most salient difference is their ordering of justice and efficacy.Show MoreRelatedThe Political Philosophy Of Niccolo Machiavelli And Socrates1444 Words  | 6 Pagesthe most well-known and notorious philosophers, Niccolo Machiavelli and Socrates laid the groundwork for western political philosophy and modern day politics. Though both lived through times of political transition and war, the fragility of their politics, violence of their wars, and the leaders they lived under influenced the development of their differing ideologies about the governing of principalities. From Machiavelli’s experience, came, â€Å"The Prince,†a guidebook about the importance of self-preservation
Monday, December 16, 2019
Getting the Best Biology Extended Essay Topics
Getting the Best Biology Extended Essay Topics Essay writing isn't an easy task whatsoever. Therefore, you should double check them before you begin writing. Proofread plus edit the job. Among the biggest assignments you'll have is an elongated essay. If you feel uncertain that you are able to write an outstanding grade extended essay yourself, you're welcome to employ our assistance within this problem. The ideal method is to check through some fantastic extended essay examples. Check variety of ideas and techniques on extended essay writing. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Biology Extended Essay Topics If you don't go through the guidelines you will not find a topic that's accepted. The guidelines can help you weed out any topics that aren't appropriate or prohibited. The guidelines provided are incredibly important whenever deciding upon a topic. As is true with extended essays, there's a question as a portion of the topic. Sorry if you were searching for specific topic ideas. With this kind of strict guidelines, it will be a small amount of a task to get the ideal extended biology topic. The ideal thing is to simply move forward from any of those topics. It is possible to also acquire many discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. Essays written at the degree of a newspaper or news magazine article are unlikely to attain a high mark. With our crew of writers, all of the info provided is of the utmost quality and verified before it's posted. You can also locate affordable essay service options by searching for inexpensive essay help online. Biology Extended Essay Topics Ideas Another notion is to write about is how environment impacts the body with assorted diseases. In such situations, only the essential non-chemistry information sho uld be given in the debut, since the essay is going to be marked on its chemical content. As a student you have to be in a position to demonstrate suitable research and your capacity to communicate ideas and produce an argument. So as to place their research into the acceptable context, students should find out more about the region of the investigation before commencing any experimental work. If your school isn't one already, learn to develop into an IB World School as a way to implement the DP. You won't be able to crank out a 4,000-word essay in a week and receive an A. Say, for instance, you're a high school student, and you should compose a 3-page essay. High school students who complete the programme receive a chance to produce their college application appear more attractive for the committee, in addition to obtain some exceptional interdisciplinary understanding. The Basics of Biology Extended Essay Topics Therefore, if there's any reason why you cannot have your ext ended essay written on time yourself, all you have to do is place your order on our site, and leave the rest to us! Actually, there's an awful bunch of distinct resources nowadays. In this way, your burden in writing may somehow be decreased in the procedure. The effect of miscarriage on the upcoming chance of women to have kids. The body of your EE should compose the majority of the essay. You must find a topic that will readily let you collect data within the parameters set. Bear in mind a lengthy essay may have a word count up to 4000 words. It's possible to create an elongated essay in chemistry where the student has used data collected elsewhere as the key source. The main reason why some may experience difficulties with their essays is because they choose the incorrect topic. A lengthy essay in company and management provides students with a chance to perform in-depth research in a place of private interest For example. The integration of market activities, you've got many scenarios in which you might decide to negotiate. You're a student free of access or liberty to do experiments and neither have the vital resources to achieve that. Begin the research possible once possible.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Introduction to Corporate Finance
Question: Discuss the proposition that a company's dividend policy is irrelevant to its market value? Answer: Introduction The decision about Dividends is perhaps the third most vital decision that the CFO has to make, the first two being Investment decisions and Financing decisions. The crucial part here is how much profits to be retained and how much to be distributed and how it is going to affect the value of the firm. Dividends either can be paid out of current profits or accumulated profits. The Ratio of Dividend per share to the Market Price per share is known as the dividend yield and the ratio of dividend per share to Earnings Per share is known as the dividend payout. Dividend payout plays a major role in selecting the company for the investment purpose. Dividend is therefore very crucial for the company as it stress on the profitability factor and the stability in the near future (Choi Meek, 2011). Do Dividends drive Market Price? As per the Time Value of Money, the value of any asset is the present value of the future cash flows associated with the asset. With reference to shares, the future cash flows are dividends and its sale value. Thus, it can be argued that the current market price of the share is the present value of all the future cash inflows that includes dividends also. Dividend is a component in the price of the share (Albrecht et. al, 2011) Dividend payout When an investor invests in the equity of any company, it is an opportunity cost for him and on the other hand, it is the cost of equity for the company. Thus, there is a definite linkage between the cost of equity, rate of return and payout ratio. The Rate of return that the company earns is ascertained by computing the Internal Rate of Return on the Investments. Thus, the optimal dividend payout is obtained by studying the relationship between cost of equity and rate of return. The cost of equity can be computed by way of CAPM and Dividend Growth model and the Dividend growth model is the widely used and followed (Choi Meek, 2011). This model is also termed as Gordon Growth dividend model. For all these reasons, the dividend payout is significant in determining the market value of the company. The rationale followed and believed by the investors is that current dividends are more worth than the distant dividends that are in the form of retained earnings. The current dividends decl ared and paid are weighed more and at a higher discount rate. Due to this significance of the current dividends, companies are now focussing on maintaining a long-term target dividend payout ratio that helps them get a good market image that also contributes towards the increase in share market price. Moreover, dividend is an indication that the management is sharing the profit with the shareholders. This is a good indication and helps in building the goodwill of the company (Graham Smart, 2012). Therefore, in the current scenario major emphasis is given on the dividend payout ratio because the shareholders are keen in deriving the returns and companies that pay dividend is always a favourite. In order to maintain this good image and ability to pay dividends year on year, the management perfectly tune the increase in dividends to ensure future ability of the company to pay dividends. For instance, if the earnings have grown by 50%, then the dividends payout will grow only by 20%. This is referred to as an adjustment factor in which the dividends are increased only to the extent maintainable in future years (Horngren, 2013). Optimism and performance Investors also read and anticipate the status of the company from the dividends declared. If a company declares high dividend, then it means that the company is optimistic about the future but if it declares a low dividend, then it reflects that the company is not confident about the future. Thus, the market price also changes accordingly. Moreover, dividend also stress on the efficiency of the company and leads to a better status (Horngren, 2013). The company that has good record of dividend payment is highly appreciated and always a good bet for investment. There are various theories namely the Walter Model, Gordon Model, Graham Dodd Model, Lintner Model, so on and so forth that have supported and contributed towards establishing the relationship between dividends and market price (Libby et. al, 2011). The Gordon growth model is widely used and this model stress on the dividend. It implies that cost of equity is the rate at which the market price in the current scenario and the future dividend are equal. This model projects that the market price of the equity that is present currently and the income that can be derived from the equity along with the dividend that is expected (Northington, 2011). Irrelevance of Dividends Today companies are operating in the world of perfect competition where there are a large number of buyers and sellers and there is no market leader or market driver. There is access to knowledge and information about the market and so investors behave rationally and expect higher returns for higher risks. Investors are able to predict future dividends and future market prices and so the market value of the company depends upon the earnings and not the dividends. The earnings of the company is dependent upon the investment decisions, capital expenditure planned by the company and the value of the firm is ascertained on its earnings and not from the dividends declared by the company (Northington, 2011). Thus, dividend decisions are immaterial in determination of the market value of the company. Fluctuation in the prices of Stock There could be a case where the shareholders gain dividends but the assets of the company depreciate as the cash balance reduces. Therefore, the ultimate value of the investment remains the same and there is no gain or loss. Stock prices fluctuate violently every day. This means that dividends are not the only driving force for the fluctuation in the market price. Various other factors play a major role in influencing the prices (Merchant, 2012). Both external, as well as internal events play a leading role in influencing the prices. The political, economical, and social factors also play a vital role in the fluctuation of the market price, irrespective of the fact whether the company is a high dividend paying one or a low dividend paying one. Variations in preferences The preferences of investors are different and varied. It is like saying that Mr. X likes to have hot coffee whereas Mr.Y likes to have cold coffee. Therefore, if one investor is interested in dividends, another might be interested in capital appreciation, and typically, both of them choose the stocks that match their preferences. The market price of the share is determined by the combination of all these types of investors and so it would not be apt to quote that dividends drive the market price of the share (Davies Crawford, 2012). Hence, it can be said that dividend is not always the chief criteria for an investor. It plays a role but it is not important for every investor. Therefore, preference of an investor plays a determining role. The Market Price of the share is determined by the interaction of the forces of demand and supply and so if one investor Mr.X has current requirement of cash, he might sell out his investments without waiting for the declaration of dividends and vi ce versa (Davies Crawford, 2012). Hence, it can be stated that though dividends are relevant, dividend policies are irrelevant in fixing the market price as the investors also look at the fundamentals of the company, strong management structure, level of success in the business and the future prospects, to name a few factors. Price is influenced by many factors and therefore only a single factor cannot be tagged as vital. If the company has invested in a loss-making project or has erred in any such major area, then it cannot recover its image by just declaring higher dividends (Deegan, 2011). The market price is still dependent on other factors as well. Hence, in such a scenario the dividend model is irrelevant because the investor is not only concerned with the dividend as other factor even comes into picture. The Modigliani Miller Approach has increasingly focussed towards the irrelevance of dividend payout towards share market price (Brealey et. al, 2011). Conclusion In the long run, there is no correlation between dividend payout and stock returns. Dividend is that segment of the profit that is not held by the company and is distributed to the shareholders. It is correctly tagged as the capital of the shareholders. Dividend plays an important role in providing stability to the company because companies that pay dividend have a good record of accomplishment and enjoys profitability. Therefore, companies the investors always vouch for that pay dividend. However, dividend alone cannot determine the market prices as there are plenty of other factors too. Various models help in studying the dividend pattern. Hence, dividend cannot be described as relevant completely neither can be said to be irrelevant. In short, dividend is a crucial factor that projects a good answer for the company but cannot altogether be said as the major determinant. References Albrecht, W., Stice, E. and Stice, J 2011, Financial accounting, Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western. Brealey, R., Myers, S. and Allen, F 2011, Principles of corporate finance, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Choi, R.D. and Meek, G.K 2011, International accounting, Pearson. Davies, T. and Crawford, I 2012, Financial accounting, Harlow, England: Pearson. Deegan, C. M 2011, In Financial accounting theory, North Ryde, N.S.W: McGraw-Hill. Graham, J. and Smart, S 2012, Introduction to corporate finance, Australia: South-Western Cengage Learning. Libby, R., Libby, P. and Short, D 2011,Financial accounting, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Horngren, C 2013, Financial accounting, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W: Pearson Australia Group. Merchant, K.A 2012, Making Management Accounting Research More Useful, Pacific Accounting Review, vol. 24, no.3, pp. 1-34. Northington, S 2011, Finance, New York, NY: Ferguson's.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Scientific Management in Todays Workplace
The principles of scientific management developed by Frederick Taylor have shaped the work of many organizations. Overall, this approach implies that every procedure should be specified and standardized. This standardization is supposed to replace the rules of thumb which are deemed to be less effective.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Scientific Management in Today’s Workplace specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper is aimed at discussing the applications of scientific management in modern companies. In particular, I would like to discuss this question from the perspective of a consumer because this method can directly affect the experiences of clients. Overall, one can say this approach is still of great importance to many business administrators. As a rule, it is believed that scientific management is applied mostly to the needs of manufacturing companies; however, one can say that this model can af fects the work of service organizations as well. For instance, every visitor of a fast-food restaurant can notice that practically every workplace procedure is standardized. The employees of such companies have to adhere to specific instructions, especially when they prepare and serve food. In this case, the goal of scientific management is to improve the time-efficiency of the personnel. This model enables fast-food companies to serve a greater number of customers as quickly as possible. This is one of the reasons why these fast-food restaurants are able to achieve financial success. To some, their practices reflect the ideas of Frederick Taylor. Another example that one can discuss is the work of modern airports since these organizations also have to serve the needs of many customers. Moreover, it is important for them to optimize their performance, especially to improve their time management strategies. For instance, the luggage of passengers is always scanned, bar-coded, and tra nsported to a particular plane. This set of procedures ensures that people do not have to stay in extremely long queues. Moreover, these rules are supposed to prevent the loss of property. The employees of airports have to follow these procedures, instead some rules of thumb. Again, scientific management is imbedded into the work of these organizations. Business administrators apply it in effort to improve the experiences of clients. Finally, many people have experienced of dealing with call centers. One can notice that the employees of these organizations often ask the same questions or use similar expressions, especially when greeting a customer. Some people may find this similarity rather irritating, but they should not blame workers.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This behavior can be explained by the rules and requirements that call centers set for employees. In partic ular, managers want them to follow specific rules of etiquette while interacting with clients and ask specific questions, particular when a client complains of something. Thus, one can argue that scientific management can influence even communication between customers and companies. On the whole, the ideas expressed by Frederic Taylor and his followers continue to play an important role for many organizations. Certainly, this approach may be criticized for making work too monotonous. Nevertheless, many companies adopt this method in effort to maximize performance. This method also affects the way in which organizations interact with clients. Most likely, the principles of scientific management will find practical applications in the future. This model can bring such benefits as time-efficiency, cost reduction and clarity of workplace duties. This is why it still enjoys significant popularity among many managers who may work in very different organizations. This essay on Scientific Management in Today’s Workplace was written and submitted by user Eliza Hogan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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