Friday, September 4, 2020
The Merchant of Venice Act 1 Summary
'The Merchant of Venice' Act 1 Summary Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice is an awesome play and flaunts one of Shakespeares most noteworthy reprobates, the Jewish moneylender, Shylock. This Merchant of Venice Act 1 synopsis guides you through the plays opening scenes in current English. Here, Shakespeare sets aside the effort to present his fundamental characters - most eminently Portia, perhaps the most grounded lady parts in all Shakespeares plays. Act 1 Scene 1 Antonio is addressing his companions Salerio and Solanio. He clarifies that a pity has come over him. His companions recommend that his pity could be because of him agonizing over his business adventures. He has ships adrift with stock in them and they could be helpless. Antonio says he isn't stressed over his boats since his products are spread among them and on the off chance that one went down he would in any case have the others. His companions propose that he should then be infatuated, Antonio denies this. Bassanio, Lorenzo, and Graziano show up as Salerio and Solanio leave. Lorenzo says that now Bassanio and Antonio have been brought together they will make their leave yet orchestrate to get together later for supper. Graziano attempts to perk Antonio up yet without any result, he reveals to Antonio that men who attempt to be despairing so as to be seen as insightful are beguiled. Graziano and Lorenzo leave. Bassanio gripes that Graziano has nothing to state except for simply won't quit talking. â€Å"Graziano talks an unending arrangement of nothing†(Act 1 Scene 1) Antonio gets some information about the lady he has succumbed to and plans to seek after. Bassanio recognizes that he has obtained a ton of cash from Antonio throughout the years and vows to clear his obligations to him: To you Antonio, I owe the most in cash and in affection, And from your adoration I have a guarantee to unburden every one of my plots and purposes how to get away from all the obligations I owe.(Act 1 Scene 1). Bassanio clarifies that he has become hopelessly enamored with Portia the beneficiary of Belmont however that she has other more extravagant admirers, he simply needs to attempt to rival them so as to win her hand. He needs cash to arrive. Antonio reveals to him that all his cash is tied up in his business however that he will go about as an underwriter for any advance that he can get. Act 1 Scene 2 Enter Portia with Nerissa her holding up lady. Portia gripes that she is tired of the world. Her dead dad specified, in his will, that she herself can't pick a spouse. Portia’s admirers will be given a decision of three chests; one gold, one silver, and one lead. The triumphant chest contains a picture of Portia and in picking the right chest he will win her hand in marriage. He should concur that on the off chance that he picks an inappropriate chest he won't be allowed to wed anybody. Nerissa records admirers who have come to figure including the Neopolitan Prince, County Palatine, A French Lord and an English aristocrat. Portia ridicules each of the respectable men for their deficiencies. Specifically, a German aristocrat who was a consumer, Nerissa inquires as to whether Portia recollects that him she says: Vilely toward the beginning of the day when he is calm, and most viley toward the evening when he is smashed. At the point when he is best he is minimal more terrible than a man, and when he is more awful he is minimal superior to a monster. A the most exceedingly awful fall that at any point fell, I trust I will make move to abandon him.(Act 1 Scene 2). The men recorded all left before speculating for dread that they would fail to understand the situation and face the outcomes. Portia is resolved to follow her father’s will and be won in the manner by which he wished however she is glad that none of the men who have come have succeeded. Nerissa helps Portia to remember a youthful refined man, a Venetian researcher, and officer who visited her when her dad was alive. Portia recollects Bassanio affectionately and trusts him to be deserving of commendation. It is declared that the Prince of Morocco is coming to charm her yet she isn't especially cheerful about it.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Article Summary and Reaction Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Article Summary and Reaction Paper - Essay Example There were endeavors to make the clients happy with the administrations that the organization will offer. The knowing about the case happened on November 30, 2011 after the organization had documented the security supplication through its attorneys and other legitimate consultants. The carrier had battled to get away from the seeking financial protection and trusted that the court would assist it with regaining its status in the business. The article clarifies the term insolvency. It additionally presents Chapter 11 of the U.S. Chapter 11 Code (Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, 2015). The section accommodates revamping under chapter 11 circumstance, fundamentally including organization or collaboration. The section helps in the revamping of organizations that have truly high weight of obligations. Under the part, the indebted person proposes an arrangement to that would guarantee productivity after chapter 11. The article diagrams the best case wherein Chapter 11 of the liquidation code. The article plots the relevance of the code in helping associations rebuild and present an arrangement for productivity. Regulatory Office of the U.S. Courts. (2015). Rearrangement Under the Bankruptcy Code. Recovered April 13, 2015 from
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Contrastive Analysis Of Vietnamese And English English Language Essay
A Contrastive Analysis Of Vietnamese And English Language Essay Nobody can deny the way that social qualities impact the utilization of language, particularly discourse acts. Numerous scientists have directed the investigations of the contrastive examination of discourse acts between students local language and the objective language to assist students with improving their open fitness. In my article, I have the consideration of doing an exploration on the discourse demonstration of consent in Vietnamese and English in light of the fact that the discourse demonstration of authorization is broadly utilized in ordinary collaborations and assumes a significant job in correspondence. In particular, I center around the best approach to request consent and a few articulations of offering authorization to call attention to similitudes and contrasts regarding syntactic and semantic equations among Vietnamese and English. In Vanderveken s see, By expressing sentences with regards to utilization of characteristic dialects, speakers endeavor to perform illocutionary acts, for example, articulations, questions, assertions, demands, guarantees, statements of regret, orders offers and refusals. (Vanderveken, 1990, p. 7). They are called discourse acts. It may not be a misrepresentation to state that acing the utilization of discourse acts is fundamental and viable. All the more significantly, the cross-culture investigation of discourse acts should be contributed in light of the fact that the cross-culture investigation of discourse acts is crucial to comprehension of global correspondence (Eisenstein, 1989, p. 199) and Rosaldo likewise alerts that Violations of social standards of fittingness in cooperations among local and nonnative speakers regularly lead to sociopragmatic disappointment, breakdowns in correspondence and the generalizing of nonnative speakers. (Rosaldo, as refered to in Hinkel, Long, Ri chards, 2006). That is the reason consent which is one of the regularly utilized discourse acts ought to be considered in all regards. As per Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (2000), the thing authorization has two implications. It is characterized as the demonstration of permitting someone to accomplish something, particularly when this is finished by someone in a place of power. Furthermore, another significance of authorization is an authority composed proclamation permitting someone to accomplish something. In my exposition, I simply center around the main importance to talk about consent discourse act which makes up a high extent in each collaboration. In this way, requesting authorization is the demonstration of needing to know whether an individual can accomplish something or use something or not. Ex: Can I utilize your bicycle? In Vietnamese word reference (2010), the meaning of requesting consent (xin phã ©p) is very like English definition. It is additionally used to ensure that an individual is permitted to accomplish something. Ex: Tã'i cã ³ th㠡⠻æ' s㠡⠻â d㠡⠻â ¥ng mã ¡y tã nh c㠡â »a b㠡⠺â ¡n Ä‘ã†â °Ã£ ¡Ã¢ »Ã¢ £c khã'ng? In day by day life, at whatever point an individual needs to accomplish something or utilizations something that has a place with someone else, its imperative to request authorization. It is on the grounds that requesting authorization shows his/her regard for other people and builds the odds that his/her solicitation will be conceded. Notwithstanding, the outflows of requesting consent are contrastingly communicated by various individuals in various societies. The discourse demonstrations of requesting authorization is to be sure befuddling and convoluted. In this manner, the addressers should give a lot of consideration to the requesting authorization articulations to make a respectful consent that is destined to be allowed by the power and abstain from making a consent which will be expected as kidding, impoliteness or mockery. Additionally, expressions used to give consent ought to be profoundly worried so as to know the expectations which the addresser really needs to state or t o do. These expectations are uncovered in the requesting authorization articulations. In the past investigations, analysts contemplate requesting authorization. They examined some one of a kind variables including in the manner to request authorization from others. They are: ethnic distinction, sexual orientation contrast, circumstance contrast or economic wellbeing distinction. There is no uncertainty at all that The manner in which individuals request authorization, to more prominent degree, is influenced by the circumstance wherein requesting consent is communicated diverse social foundation of the speakers. (Soehartono Sianne, 2003). At the end of the day, social qualities or standards of conduct are probably going to be answerable for delivering various methods of requesting authorization. Subsequent to exploring the articulations communicated by the Chinese and Javanese understudies of SMU Krisyen petra 3 in requesting consent for disappearing, Soehartono Sianne clarify that Each ethnic has distinctive supposition about what graciousness is (Soehartono Sianne, 2003). As a matter of fact, as per Samovar and Porter, the thought that is profoundly established in the English talking society is independence (2000, p.67). One of the trait of independence is that individuals in English talking society, particularly the American accepted all individuals have individual protection. For example, anyone mustnt step into anothers house without consent. No one has the privilege to peruse any others letter even guardians mustnt read their childrens private letters. That is the motivation behind why individuals ought to request authorization paying little mind to age, economic wellbeing and relationship. Individuals will be rebuffed on the off chance that they encroach upon any others individual security with the inspiration of interest, benefit or noxiousness. It is on the grounds that individual security is regarded profoundly and ensured by law in these nations. Similitude, the Vietnamese additionally profoundly respect requesting consent. Before, Vietnamese predecessors make numerous important people melodies, maxims so as to show children how to carry on well, set up and keep up social compatibilities. For instance: H㠡⠻â c Äæ'n, h㠡⠻â c nã ³i, h㠡⠻â c gã ³i, h㠡⠻â c m㠡⠻å ¸ Another adage: Äâ i thã†â °a v㠡⠻â trã ¬nh Also, Huynh clarifies that: In Vietnamese society, the overwhelming assumption in the connection between individuals from a social gathering is regard. This is especially obvious in the demeanor towards more established individuals. Regard and thought for mature age no uncertainty get from the commitment of dutiful devotion that requires youngsters to regard and love their folks and parent-like individuals from the family. (Huynh, n.d.). Subsequently, nobody can deny the way that individuals need to request consent to get hitched, remain for the time being at the companions house, ect despite the fact that they are mature enough to decide. Vietnamese individuals accept that if youngsters resist the seniors counsel, they will endure awful results of their activities Cã ¡ khã'ng Äæ'n mu㠡⠻‘i cã ¡ Æ⠰ã†⠡n Con cã £i cha m㠡⠺â ¹ trã„æ'm Ä‘ã†â °Ã£ ¡Ã¢ »Ã¢ ng con hã†â ° The older folks are really the transporters of the custom and the encapsulation of information and astuteness. (Huynh, n.d.). When all is said in done, requesting authorization in Vietnam and English talking nations assume the significant job in each discourse circumstance regardless of culture. With respect to recurrence number of language capacities, Soehartono Sianne show that There are four language works that never happen in the authorization articulations communicated to the educator as the predominant (Soehartono Sianne, 2003). They are: (1): Suggesting a game-plan (2): Requesting others to accomplish something (3): Advising others to accomplish something (4): Instructing/guiding others to accomplish something By having dissected the information, Soehartono Sianne discover the prevalent capacity looking for authorization and infer that: Seeking consent work is trailed by saying 'sorry' work that utilizations to show that they are in the lower position and announcing capacity that is utilized to persuade the power. (Soehartono Sianne, 2003). With regards to this paper, its motivation is to efficiently look at Vietnamese and English asking and offering consent to draw out certain likenesses and contrasts as far as syntactic and semantic equations and meet the prerequisites of language educating and learning. In English language, the most natural syntactic examples are Would i be able to get your pen? Would he be able to utilize your telephone charger? (Question head + S + Verb state with uncovered infinitive?) Would it be OK in the event that I get/acquired your pen? Would it be okay in the event that he utilizes/utilized your telephone charger? (Question head + S + Verb state with basic present or past subjunctive?) Do you mind in the event that I acquire/obtained your pen? OK mind on the off chance that she utilizes/utilized your telephone charger? (Question head + S + Verb express with straightforward present or past subjunctive?) In the mean time, syntactic equations utilized to request authorization in Vietnamese language is very constrained. The most generally happening designs are: (1) T㠡⠻†º dã ¹ng Ä‘i㠡⠻†¡n tho㠡⠺â ¡i c㠡⠺â u nhã ©? (Would i be able to utilize your cellphone?) (2) Em ng㠡⠻â€Å"i Ä‘ã ¢y Ä‘ã†â °Ã£ ¡Ã¢ »Ã¢ £c khã'ng ch㠡⠻†¹? (Would it be alright on the off chance that I stay here?) (3) Con cã ³ th㠡⠻æ' Ä‘i chã†â ¡i v㠡⠻†ºi b㠡⠺â ¡n m㠡⠻â„ ¢t chã ºt Ä‘ã†â °Ã£ ¡Ã¢ »Ã¢ £c khã'ng m㠡⠺â ¹? Con s㠡⠺â ½ v㠡⠻â li㠡⠻â n. (May I go out with my companion for some time, Mom? I guarantee to return home soon.) In Vietnamese language, there is a low recurrence of the structures containing if. Indeed, even they are rarely utilized. For Vietnamese individuals, the most generally utilized syntactic examples in English Would it be alright in the event that I get your pen? or on the other hand Do you mind on the off chance that I utilize your telephone charger? are the strange examples for the discourse demonstration of requesting consent. It is on the grounds that that we can not make an interpretation of two above expressions into Vietnamese Would it be alright on the off chance that I obtain your pen? ( Cã ³ Ä‘ã†â °Ã£ ¡Ã¢ »Ã¢ £c khã'ng n㠡⠺â ¿u mã ¬nh s㠡⠻â d㠡⠻â ¥ng bã ºt mã ¡y c㠡â »a b㠡⠺â ¡n?) Do you mind on the off chance that I utilize your telephone charger? (B㠡⠺â ¡n
Classic George Orwell Quotes
Great George Orwell Quotes George Orwell is one of the most acclaimed scholars of his time. He is maybe most popular for his questionable novel, 1984, a tragic story wherein language and truth are defiled. He likewise composed Animal Farm, an enemy of Soviet tale where the animals rebel against the people. An incredible author and a genuine ace of words, Orwell is additionally known for some brilliant idioms. While you may definitely know his books, here is an assortment of statements by the writer that you ought to likewise know. Extending from grave to unexpected, from dull to hopeful, these George Orwell cites give a feeling of his thoughts on religion, war, legislative issues, composing, enterprises, and society on the loose. By understanding Orwells suppositions, maybe perusers will have the option to more readily peruse his works.â On Freedom Opportunity is the option to mention to individuals what they would prefer not to hear. I now and then imagine that the cost of freedom isn't so much everlasting carefulness as interminable soil. Talking Politics Presently political discourse and composing are generally the guard of the shaky. In our age, there is nothing of the sort as keeping out of legislative issues. All issues are policy centered issues, and governmental issues itself is a mass of untruths, avoidances, imprudence, disdain and schizophrenia. In the midst of all inclusive misleading, coming clean turns into a progressive demonstration. Jokes A grimy joke is a kind of mental defiance. As I compose, exceptionally humanized people are flying overhead, attempting to execute me. On War War is a method of breaking to pieces... materials which may somehow or another be utilized to make the majority excessively agreeable and... excessively shrewd. On Hubris A shocking circumstance exists decisively when prudence doesn't triumph yet when it is still felt that man is nobler than the powers which wreck him. On Advertisements Publicizing is the shaking of a stick inside a gulp basin. Foodie Talk We may discover over the long haul that tinned food is a deadlier weapon than the automatic weapon. On Religion Humankind isn't probably going to rescue progress except if he can advance an arrangement of good and shrewdness which is autonomous of paradise and hellfire. Other Wise Adviceâ The vast majority get a decent lot of fun out of their lives, yet on balance life is enduring, and just the youthful or the extremely stupid envision in any case. Fantasies which are had faith in will in general become valid. Progress isn't a hallucination, it occurs, yet it is moderate and perpetually baffling.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why i want to be in paralegal program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Why I need to be in paralegal program - Essay Example It might appear to be weird, yet to us, family that appeared at a misfortune to clarify their distress and hopelessness or understand what had occurred, the quiet and gathered way the attorneys and their group talked about the case with us offered us much help with the deprivation procedure. That is one of the significant reasons why I need to turn into a paralegal, and have applied to the Fairleigh Dickinson University Paralegal Program. Through my work, I need to have any kind of effect in the general public. I will help legal counselors as they continued looking for equity. While I realize that my convictions in regards to the calling and what it involves are somewhat idealistic, notwithstanding, I feel that getting in this program would help me in my objective of aiding those in period of scarcity. I am proficient at look into and have astounding composing abilities, aptitudes much looked for in paralegals. In addition, I am a dedicated person. Getting into this program would stamp my initial phase in my future objective of helping legal counselors associated with the criminal equity framework.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Fulbright, James William
Fulbright, James William Fulbright, James William, 1905â€"95, U.S. Senator from Arkansas (1945â€"75), b. Sumner, Mo. A Rhodes scholar, he was admitted (1934) to the bar and served (1934â€"35) in the antitrust division of the U.S. Dept of Justice. He taught law at George Washington Univ. law school (1935â€"36) and at the Univ. of Arkansas (1936â€"39), becoming president of the university (1939â€"41). In 1942 Fulbright was elected as a Democrat to the U.S. House of Representatives and in 1944 to the Senate. He gained international recognition from the Fulbright Act (1946), which provided for the exchange of students and teachers between the United States and many other countries. He was one of the first to criticize Senator Joseph McCarthy 's investigations into reputed Communist influence in the United States and was instrumental in bringing about McCarthy's downfall. Fulbright served as chairman of the Senate banking and currency committee (1955â€"59) and, as chairman of the Senate foreign relations commi ttee (1959â€"74), he conducted frequent open hearings to educate the public and to reassert the Senate's influence in long-range policy formulation. An outspoken critic of U.S. military intervention abroad, Fulbright opposed the Bay of Pigs invasion (1961), the landing of marines in the Dominican Republic (1965), and the escalation of the war in Vietnam. However, Fulbright could be conservative as well; he voted against civil-rights legislation in the 1960s and 1970s. In the 1974 Democratic primary in Arkansas, he was defeated for the senatorial nomination by Dale Bumpers. He wrote Old Myths and New Realities (1964), The Arrogance of Power (1966), The Pentagon Propaganda Machine (1970), The Crippled Giant (1972), and The Price of Empire (1989). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Monday, June 22, 2020
How to Study for the GMAT When You Dont Have any Time
Do you want to get into b-school, but feel like you just don’t have the time? Well, I have some good news: there are ways to fit GMAT prep into your busy schedule. Practice general reading, math, and writing skills in your spare time Not every GMAT prep session has to be a lengthy at-home, sit-down round of test prep. The general skills for the GMATâ€â€math skills, reading skills, and writing skillsâ€â€can be practiced in small amounts throughout the day. Your daily life is full of opportunities to improve your GMAT IR, Quant, Verbal, and AWA skills. Look for little opportunities to do math. Calculate your shopping totals, with sales tax, in your head. If you work any overtime, mentally calculate how much you’ve just earned. Then, as a bonus math activity estimate the percentage increase in your earnings, based on the overtime. You can also estimate how long it will take you to travel somewhere, based on distance and your average travel speed. These kinds of mental math calculations help you get ready for the Quant section of the GMAT. GMAT Quant is full of similar kinds of calculations that are complicated, yet can be done without a calculator. (As you probably already know, you can’t use a calculator on GMAT Quant.) Additional Integrated Reasoning, Verbal and AWA prep can be done online without disrupting your busy schedule. Do you ever have any down time where you surf the web to relax? Of course you do, and you probably get several of these brief mental breaks throughout your day. This down time can double as GMAT reading practice quite easily. If you aspire to business school, you no doubt have an interest in business, and enjoy reading business news online. You can use this interest to prepare your reading comprehension for GMAT IR, the part of the GMAT that contains highly detailed business reports and figures The next time you browse the web for news, make a point of reading some business articles that include a lot of numbers. Seek out articles on company profitability, economic statistics, and so on. As you read, take a moment to stop and think about what the numbers in the article really mean. You may even want to use a calculator to play with some of the more complicated business figures you see. This too can help you prepare for the Integrated Reasoning Section of the GMAT, since IR is the one part of the exam where calculator use is allowed. A much wider variety of reading materials can prepare you for GMAT Verbal. Here, all kinds of formal, educational reading can do. Crawl through websites full of news reports and informative articles that stick with material that has an academic tone. Opinion pieces on major news websites like CNN or Time are good for this. So are movie reviews and television recaps on websites. Plenty of other reading materials can help you prepare for the test too. Look at GMAT Verbal passages (such as this example GMAT RC passage from the Magoosh GMAT Blog), and you’ll get a feel for the similar passages you can read the next time you go online. There are even chances to build GMAT AWA writing skills in your spare time. You have chances to write throughout your day, either by sending emails or posting to social media. You can turn this â€Å"incidental writing†in your life into GMAT AWA prep. How, you ask? Well, first, you should carefully read this list of GMAT AWA strategies. Then, apply as many of those strategies as possible to any writing you do from day-to-day. Carefully organize your schedule so that you make time for GMAT prep Turning your spare time activities into GMAT prep is huge, and can really help you get ready for the exam. But to succeed on the test, you also do need some of those longer, sit-down GMAT study sessions I mentioned before. It’s important to remember that no matter how busy you feel, there are almost always ways to organize your time better, so that you have blocks of time just for test prep. This where a good GMAT study schedule comes in. The web is full of guidance on how to plan and structure your GMAT prep. This GMAT study guide from Magoosh is particularly useful, since it specifies how to manage your time as you get ready for test day. hbspt.cta.load(58291, 'e47f6e09-76b2-4b02-bc17-62552b75dc6a', {}); David Recine is a test prep expert at Magoosh. He has a Bachelor of Social Work from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and a Masters in Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. He has been teaching K-12, University, and adult education classes since 2007 and has worked with students from every continent. Related Resources: †¢Ã‚ How to Study Like the Highest-Scoring GMAT Test Takers †¢Ã‚ Why Some High-Scorers Still Retake the GMAT †¢Ã‚ Time Management Tips to Make the Most of Your Test Prep
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Background, Uprbringing and Character of Franklin Delano...
Background, Uprbringing and Character of Franklin Delano Roosevelt In this essay I will be looking at the up coming of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In this question I am seeing if Roosevelt’s background, upbringing and character helped him to understand the concerns of normal Americans. There were many factors; which helped him to understand their concerns. In the late 1920’s America was a booming country due to all the loans people were taking out. They borrowed money to buy shares which they gained profits in. then in 1929, the Wall Street crash occurred. People rushed out to sell shares because they realised companies were doing badly. Businesses collapsed and thousands of people were ruined,†¦show more content†¦He only gave the money so that he received better facilities and care at the natural pools. Overall, I believe that Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s background, upbringing and character helped him to understand the concerns of normal Americans. I think this because the evidence I have shown the positive points have out weighed the negative points. I think FDR’s background and upbringing prepared him to understand the concerns of normal Americans and his character helped him understand what the concerns of normal Americans were. Franklin suffering from polio was the main factor for me, for him understanding the concerns of Americans. I believe FDR’s background, upbringing and character did help him to understand the concerns of normal Americans. In this essay I am going to see how far was Franklin Delano Roosevelt was himself responsible for his election victory? In 1932 before the election, America was in a poor state. The people were suffering badly from the depression, very few people had jobs or they had jobs with little pay. The people who voted had the choice of who to vote in. There was Herbert Hoover, President at the time and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. (The new man on the block.) Hoover’s views on the depression were that he should do nothing; he did try a few things. He
Monday, May 18, 2020
Debate over if the Reconstruction Era was Failure Essay
America was divided in two, the south; which promoted the act of slavery and the north; where individuals encouraged the abolishment of the discriminating structure. Despite the differing opinions of the two regions, ‘Louisiana, Arkansas and Tennessee [...] sought readmission to the union’ knowing that they were agreeing to the abolishment of slavery under the Thirteenth Amendment; which abolished slavery, Fourteenth Amendment; that stated all persons born in the states were American citizens and finally the Fifteenth Amendment which highlighted that the a citizen’s right to vote should not be denied, thus achieving one of the aims of Reconstruction. As a result of those southern states that rejoined the Union, African Americans were†¦show more content†¦Though, one of the aims of Lincolns plan was achieved there was still the question of what to do with the salves and their freedom, an issue that was not as adequately solved as the problem surrounding the divided sates. For example, even though black Americans, in the eyes of the law, were granted citizenship and awarded the same rights as white Americans this was not a de facto change in the political sense. This is referring to the fact that African Americans were still prohibited from actually talking part in the voting system. Most southern states had become very judgmental on who could actually vote and adopted various vices that enabled them to reduce the electorate, discriminating against race via various laws and regulations. One of the vices used to prevent African Americans from voting was the Grandfather Clause, which stated that in order to vote an individu al’s ancestors must be American, a requirement that would be impossible for black Americans to prove. Furthermore, registrars and those in control of local voting stations could ask for individuals to take certain literacy tests to show that they are intellectually able to vote or take part in something as complicated as politics. These tests were almost always filled with ridiculous questions such as, ‘how many bubbles are there in a bar of soap?’ Clearly, reconstruction failed in terms of enabling Africa Americans deShow MoreRelatedEssay on Reconstruction998 Words  | 4 Pages Many people had different views and ideas about Reconstruction. There was much debate about how the Confederate states, which included Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia, should be readmitted into the Union. Some people believed that the states should be treated as territories, and others belie ved that the southern leaders should be punished instead of the states. Still, others believed that the South stillRead MoreMassive Changes During the Reconstruction Era of America817 Words  | 3 Pagessought change was 1865 which was the time period known as Reconstruction. 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This essay will first determine the social and political goals of the Klan, than analyze how successful they were in attaining them. The source that proved most useful during the research process for this paper was the non-fiction White Terror by Allen W. Trelease. He was a recognized historian and Emeritus Professor in the Department of History at the UniversityRead MoreEmancipation And The Historical Memory Of Reconstruction Essay2661 Words  | 11 Pages Emancipation and the Historical Memory of Reconstruction EricR.Jackson Northern Kentucky University Department of History and Geography Eric R. Jackson, associate professor of history and director of the Black Studies Program at Northern Kentucky University, received his BS from Ball State University (1988) and both his MA (1992) and doctorate (2000) from the University of Cincinnati. He is known for his publications in the fields of African American history/studies, early American history, andRead MoreBreak down of compromise between 1820 and 1860 leading to the civil war1471 Words  | 6 PagesCivil War due to the sheer number of deaths and the complete reconstruction of the nation during the aftermath. Just as important as the war itself would be the transformations that took place among the people was a newfound lack of compromise concerning the admission of new territories and whether or not they would be free or slave. This failure to agree was chiefly the fear of public and congressional imbalance. This and dispute over the legitimacy and abuse of popular sovereignty would cause quarrelsRead MoreThe Cotton Gin1708 Words  | 7 Pages The institution of slavery in the southern states of the United States of America was primarily based on economics rather than some type of natural admiration of the practice itself. When the Mason-Dixon line was created in the 1760s, Eli Whitney’s revolutionary cotton gin, which would eventually set slavery in the South, had not been created yet. However, there were still lines being drawn between the more industrial-based economy of the North and the more agricultural economy of the South. Slavery
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Energy Sources Of Renewable Energy - 1292 Words
1. Introduction. Nowadays, with the continuous increase in the demand for energy consumption resulted by both population and socioeconomic growth, making it a priority to satisfy such a demand for all developed countries. This report aims initially to focus on the energy situation in the United Kingdom, and then present two forms of energy conventional energy in specific coal, and renewable energy which is wind energy, and will finally recommend the most suitable one after comparing and contrasting them considering both the cost and environment in different aspects. 2. Background Information. Having relied on conventional energy sources for so many years which cannot renew themselves at a sufficient rate for sustainable economic extraction, as well as the growth of energy demand causing global energy crisis nowadays, it is becoming clearer than ever that all the countries have to look for other alternatives to try to tackle this issue. Therefore, renewable energy is considered to be a long term solution that might be able to replace the traditional forms of energy in the future. For instance, in the UK according to the Department of Energy and Climate Change, (2012), the primary consumption of electricity increased by 1.2% in 2012, at the same time the production of fuel dropped by 7.3%, additionally, the Office for National Statistics predicts a population growth of 1.3% by 2037. This illustrates that with the growth of demand for energy supplying as well as the predictedShow MoreRelatedRenewable Sources Of Energy And Energy1120 Words  | 5 PagesAlternate energies a re forms of energy that do not deplete natural resources or harm the earth. The sources of the energies are naturally found or generated or are part of a natural conversion from one source into another. Energy cannot be destroyed but can be converted into other forms, therefore there are many reactions occurring around us that allow us to harness these energies. Alternate sources of energy has been extensively researched as a result of the large energy crisis that is being experiencedRead MoreRenewable Energy Sources Of Energy2600 Words  | 11 PagesThe worldwide demand of energy has been increasing considerably. Up to 2030, it is supposed to be 60% higher than today (B. SCHMITZ, 2013). Currently, non-renewable energy sources, like coal and oil, are more commonly used, since they are cheaper than renewable energies. In the European Union, 80% of the energy consumption demands are covered by fossil sources (B. SCHMITZ, 2013). But, non-renewable energy sources are running out and they are also very harmful for the environment, since they generateRead MoreEnergy Of Renewable Energy Sources Essay1568 Words  | 7 PagesIn recent years many endeavors have been devoted to reduce the pollutant energy generation by increasing the utilization of clean energy sources. Actually, the power sector is responsible for roughly a quarter of anthropogenic CO2 emissions [1]. Thus, the widespread introduction of renewable energy sources is seen to be one of the major solutions. Meanwhile, fossil fuel based power plants will still be needed. In any case, fully abstaining from the use of fossil fuels is difficult. Nevertheless,Read MoreRenewable Sources Of Energy And Energy1983 Words  | 8 Pagesof all the energy used in the day-to-day lives and operations of the entire world population are nonrenewable. This energy is created from the fossil fuels: coal, petroleum and natural gas. Fossil fuels are still cheap and high in supply, but the rate at which we are consuming th em, which is only expected to increase, vastly exceeds the rate at which they regenerate. This creates the aforementioned problem of mankind running out of the required natural resources to fuel its own energy demands. TheRead MoreRenewable Energy Sources For Energy1540 Words  | 7 Pagesconcern over the growing demand for energy, and the lack of non-renewable energy resources to meet the demand in the future. In addition, the question of â€Å"sustainability†;the ability to balance social, economic, and environmental needs in energy production to meet both current and long-term requirements;has come to the forefront. It is clear that America must expand energy production quickly, and that we must develop renewable, sustainable energy sources to meet long-term demand and protectRead MoreThe Energy Source Of Renewable Energy3041 Words  | 13 Pagesis using fossil fuels, which are nonrenewable sources. Fossil fuels are cheap and limited. They will soon be depleted. The world needs to find a source of energy that is not only renewable but sustainable. Sustainable Energy is usually associated with renewable energy. This is because renewable energy is a continuous source. However, the sustainability of each of different types of renewable energy vary. Sustainable energy means that amount of energy that is used, is also generated. The idea of sustainabilityRead MoreSources Of Energy : Renewable Energy Essay2221 Words  | 9 Pages sources of energy 1- Renewable energy Renewable energy is energy generated from natural resourcesâ€â€such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heatâ€â€which are renewable (naturally replenished). Renewable energy technologies range from solar power, wind power, hydroelectricity/micro hydro, biomass and biofuels for transportation. Renewable energy is energy that is generated from natural processes that are continuously replenished. This includes sunlight, geothermal heat, wind, tides, water,Read MoreSources Of Energy : Renewable Energy Essay2238 Words  | 9 PagesSources of energy 1- Renewable energy Renewable energy is energy generated from natural resourcesâ€â€such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heatâ€â€which are renewable (naturally replenished). Renewable energy technologies range from solar power, wind power, hydroelectricity/micro hydro, biomass and biofuels for transportation. Renewable energy is energy that is generated from natural processes that are continuously replenished. This includes sunlight, geothermal heat, wind, tides, water, andRead MoreEnergy Sources Of Renewable Energy1944 Words  | 8 PagesExecutive Summary The development of renewable and alternative energy is becoming more and more necessary as the traditional fossil fuel energy is a non-renewable energy and can cause various environmental problems such as the global warming effect. However, the challenge today in generating alternative energy is to find a cost effective way while has the smallest harmful environmental impacts. Developing bioenergy have the advantage of reducing greenhouse gas emission while creating great economicRead MoreRenewable Sources Of Energy Sources1213 Words  | 5 PagesEnergy Sources Introduction Energy sources have been identified as being vital in running virtually all domestic and industrial operations. There are two types of energy sources; renewable energy sources and nonrenewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources refer to the kinds that are naturally replenished. These include sunlight, the wind, ocean tides, waves, geothermal heat and rain (Tiwari et al., 2012). Nonrenewable energy sources, on the other hand, are the kinds that do not renew themselves
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Inclusion Of Students With Disabilities - 1075 Words
Abstract Over (for) the past decade Inclusion in special education has been a controversial topic among administration, teachers, and parents. Inclusion represents the belief that students with disabilities should be integrated into the general education classroom whether or not they cannot meet traditional curriculum standards. The purpose of the study is to examine the potential advantages and disadvantages of inclusion of students with disabilities into the general education classroom. The hypothesis is that students with disabilities can benefit from inclusion. The implications is that those who favor inclusion believe that disabled students in the regular classroom will be more accepted by their peers, (develop new friendships)have balanced relationships, and gain more academic knowledge through small group and teacher instruction. This in turn, will result in continued higher achievement. The survey consisted of demographic information, 26 Likert scale items and one comment section. Th e surveys were disturbed to staff members, including special education and general education teachers in one elementary school. Results of the survey were tabulated with frequencies and percentages for each response reported. Introduction and Literature Review The number of students with disabilities being served in general education classes has steadily increased over the last decade (U.S. Department of Education, 2006). Each person has their viewpoint on what isShow MoreRelatedInclusion Of Inclusion For Students With Disabilities Essay1533 Words  | 7 PagesIt is imperative that inclusion techniques be implemented in the classroom. Studies and research show that implementing inclusion techniques in the classroom have immense positive impacts on all students. As a result of these findings there is a rise in legislation being passed that fosters inclusion on a broader scale. Furthermore, it is necessary to apply inclusion techniques from a young age in order to ensure the greatest success. In my opinion the application of inclusion technique’s in classroomsRead MoreInclusion For Students With Disabilities834 Words  | 4 Pages Inclusion Position Paper Valerie Simmons University of West Alabama SE 506 Dr. Nichols July 1, 2015 Inclusion in the classroom is a widely debated issue in education today. Inclusive education means that students with disabilities are supported in chronologically age appropriate general education classrooms in schools near their home. These students also receive the specialized instruction outlined by their individualized education programs (IEP s) within the context of the coreRead MoreInclusion Of Students With Disabilities2882 Words  | 12 Pages in the American Public School, is the move toward full inclusion of students with disabilities. There has been a rapid rise in the number of students with disabilities who are spending their school day in a general education classroom under the guise of full inclusion. The practice of inclusion came about as a â€Å"natural outgrowth of the Mainstreaming movement,†during the 1960 s (Fruchter). Inclusion is based on the â€Å"rights of the students and the social benefits†that they receive from being inRead MoreInclus ion Of Students With Disabilities1252 Words  | 6 PagesI am extremely in favor of inclusion of students with disabilities. Inclusion can be defined as an option in which the education of a child is taken into consideration. For example, it involves the students with disabilities pursuing most or all of their education within an ordinary school setting with their other classmates that do not have disabilities. Inclusion has many objectives, but the most important objective of inclusion would definitely have to be in that it is a program that supportsRead MoreInclusion Of Students With Disabilities Essay1837 Words  | 8 Pagesmove toward full inclusion of students with disabilities. There has been a rapid rise in the number of students with disabilities who are spending their school day in a general education classroom under the guise of full inclusion. Inclusion is purported to be based on the rights of the students and the social benefits that they receive from being in a general education classroom. There are many who see this as a solution to the problem of how to best educate children with disabilities. Is includingRead MoreInclusion Of Students With Mental Disabilities1551 Words  | 7 Pagesis a term that expresses a commitment to teaching children with physical, mental, and learning disabilities in the classroom they would attend otherwise (to the greatest extent possible). In inclusive schools, support services are brought to the students as opposed to them leaving class to receive the help they require. This paper is going to focus on the inclusion of students with mental disabilities who are usually separated in special education classrooms. For parents and educators alike, theRead MoreInclusion For Students With Disabilities And Benefits For The Students Essay1987 Words  | 8 Pageshave inclusion in an early childhood classroom. There are benefits for the students with disabilities and benefits for the typically developed student. Not only are their benefits for the students, but teachers also benefit from inclusion in the classroom. Inclusion also shows diversity and shows the differences between peers. Teachers will have to differentiate their instruction and support the needs of all their students. Some people will believe there are too many concerns for inclusion in theRead MoreEssay on Inclusion of Students with Disabilities 2995 Words  | 12 Pagesschools are aiming to implement is inclusion in the classroom because of the benefits inclusion could bring. The implementation of inclusion is strongly connected by people’s attitudes whether they are positive or negative. However, while inclusion is being widely implemented, there is comparatively little data on its effectiveness. It may be that inclusion benefits some areas such as reading and social skills, more than it does others. In order for inclusion to be implemented properly it is importantRead MoreInclusion For Students With Learning Disabilities2259 Words  | 10 Pages 12 [Inclusion for students with learning disabilities] [Inclusion for students with learning disabilities] 13 The Inclusion for Students with Learning Disabilities in Special Education Lehigh University Bowei Chen Many researches show that students with learning disabilities have a high rate of victimization. This paper gives few case studies about how elementary schools implement the policy and guidelines to inclusive the students with learning disabilities. The purposeRead MoreInclusion Of Special Needs For Students With Disabilities1173 Words  | 5 Pageseducation system to include students with disabilities, there has being an ongoing research topic of inclusion. Inclusion, in this area, means the full inclusion of students with special needs in the general education classroom. The research and the debates about the issue of whether or not there should be full inclusion of Special Education students in all general education classrooms in all public schools throughout the United States rages on. The number of students with special needs that are
Business plan, Market, Analysis, Construction Free Essays
Abstract Aims to take advantage of the construction boom in the North West UK and expand their company. Also another aims to reach by the daughter company to expand their activities within their existing markets. As a Management Consultant specializing within the Construction Industry, the company approached was looking to take advantage of the construction boom in the North West UK and expand their company. We will write a custom essay sample on Business plan, Market, Analysis, Construction or any similar topic only for you Order Now The business is a family owned company. As a Managing consultant, I have been employed to assess the viabilities of these two proposals and to produce a business plan that could be presented at the bank to gain financial backing for the expansion. I was able to make an ASSESSMENT CRITERIA, which were listed below: †¢ Understanding and application of theories †¢ Correct use of terminology, techniques, etc. †¢ Relevance of examples and scenarios †¢ Quality of referencing and sourcing of material (evidence) †¢ Quality of presentation †¢ Correct structuring of the report Business Plan: Constructed â€Å"mega-projects†are readily recognizable for their form and function, and in many cases, are awe-inspiring. Major buildings and bridges give identities to cities and nations and evoke a sense of pride in the people. â€Å"The construction industry is a vast system of engineers, architects, laborers, craftsmen, material, equipment and tool suppliers, and project owners responsible for building these structures (†. The scope of the industry is all encompassing, including every type of facility imaginable. Roads, bridges, mass transit, airports, schools, retail and commercial buildings, industrial and manufacturing facilities, drinking water systems, wastewater treatment facilities, dams and power generation, solid waste facilities, and hazardous waste treatment and disposal projects all benefit society and bolster our national security. The construction industry seminar focused on projects and issues that have a pote ntial mobilization involvement. Executive Summary stated that, a home office in Yellowknife, NT will be established the first year of operations to reduce start up costs. The founder of the firm is a professional engineer with eighteen years of progressive and responsible experience. After the operation has started it was found out that the first year operation increased till up to 3rd year operation as well. Notice the sales amount in dollars increases as well as dollar profits together with the percent sales/profit. The firm will specialize in providing three dimensional modeling and visualization to our clients. State-of-the-art analysis and design tools will be an integral part of the business plan. Implementation of a quality control and assurance program will provide a focus for production work. The highlights of the executive summary shown in a bar graph presentation as analyzed in this manner, red bar represents which is increasing dollars from year 2000 to the year 2002. Also apple green color represents gross margin, which is also increasing order and while net profit increased in increasing order as well. Objectives were seen to have the following: Achieve 20% of market value at the end of the third year of operation. Increase gross margin to 80% by the third year of operations. Company has mission, as stated here: Our mission is to provide clients across Canada’s North with structural engineering services for all types of buildings, from concept planning through to completion, with a highly skilled professional team working together, using common sense and practical.  Key to success has developed experience as stated. Provide professional quality services on time and on budget. Develop a follow-up strategy to gauge performance with all clients. Implement and maintain a quality control and assurance policy. Company Summary: Structure All Ltd. is a new company, which provides professional engineering design services for clients that manage, maintain, and plan for residential, commercial, and industrial type buildings. Our focus will be the public sector market in remote communities across Canada’s North. Company Ownership will be, Structure All Ltd. will be created as a limited liability company. Philip D. Nolan will privately own the company. Leslie C. Goit will also be listed as a Director. Start up summary: Our start-up expenses amount to $13,000, which allows for initial legal expenses, licenses, permits, stationary, specialty software, office equipment, and furniture. In addition to these start-up costs, an initial balance of $7,000 will be placed in the company accounts. The software purchases include an allowance of $5,000 for AutoCAD ® 2000, $1,800 for National Master Specifications, and $200 for QuickBooks ® (accounting package). Total start-up expenses amounted to $13,000, which has the big values, compared to other expenses. Office equipment, other expenses and permits holder and legal service also has same amount, which is the least expenses incurred. For a company start-up summary goes this way, investments leads small amount while profit is big and the sales amount becomes big. Start-up expenses have the following: Professional Liability Insurance is $1,200, Professional Liability Insurance is $1,200, web site development is $600 and lastly business licenses are $500.So overall total an expense coincides with the total assets. Market Analysis Company Locations and Facilities We will establish a home office in Yellowknife, NT in order to reduce start-up costs. The office space is estimated to be 150 square feet. We will be installing a dedicated fax line as well as a high-speed Internet connection. An interactive website will also be developed which will serve as a marketing tool. Services Structure All Ltd. offers complete structural engineering services. We will focus on buildings with the following Use and Occupancies, like the company is project oriented where each project involves. It also offers Project Consulting, Forensic Investigations, Project Management, and Dispute Resolution. Further more it also caters Restoration Engineering, and Inspections. Describing offers services was noted to be Competitive in the sense that offers their clients superior service, implement a quality assurance and control program for all projects undertaken, systematic manner of sorting and retrieving a library of structural elements and assemblies will be implemented. The sales literature was describe to be a brochure system. Brochure inserts will be maintained as individual sheets to facilitate their assembly in any custom situation. Greatly market analysis will be describe as Structure All Ltd. will focus on traditional Architect/Engineering (A/E) contracts. The owner will usually contract the A/E to perform planning and design services. These design services include preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates. Types of project distributions were having guidelines to follow as *Architecture Design (65%). *Structural Design (10%). *Mechanical Design (15%). *Electrical design (10%) Knowing the Market Segmentation will describe as a manner the market for engineering services that is, established Architectural and Engineering firms, territorial and Federal Governmental Departments. Market analysis Pie can summarize accordingly; Service Business Analysis, Business Participants, which were describe in as much as the manner showed. The major clients within the Territorial Governments include: Department of Education, Department of Transportation, and Department of Education, Department of Transportation, Department of Municipal and Community Affairs and Department of Municipal and Community Affairs. Competition and Buying Patterns at which, pricing of projects and billing rates are surprisingly variable. In consulting at this level, it is easier to be priced too low than too high. Clients and potential clients expect to pay substantial fees for the best quality professional advice. The nature of the billing, however, is sensitive. Clients are much more likely to be offended when a job starts at $20K and ends up at $30K because of overruns, than if the same job started at $30K or even $35K. Main Competitors are Ferguson Simek Clark (FSC Group), A.D. Williams Engineering Ltd. (ADWEL), and Girvan and Associates. Conclusion: The company done a very good performance as the company executive summary showed a very remarkable achievement in the analysis. How to cite Business plan, Market, Analysis, Construction, Essay examples
Developing Business Processes and Operations †
Question: Discuss about the Developing Business Processes and Operations. Answer: Introduction This report will highlight the current operational issues in Volkswagen, a German automobile and identify the possible solution. Volkswagen commenced on may 28th 1938, and German labour Front operated it ( 2018). The organisation has its headquarters in Wolfsburg, and initially, the primary objective of the firm was mass production of fast and affordable vehicles. A company named Ferdinand Porsches initially designed the cars and Hitler supported the design. However, during the Second World War, the production of the vehicles stopped, and after the war, British army took over the firm to start the manufacturing process. British army returned the control of Volkswagen to Germany and organisation started gearing up in 1950-1960. The cars made by Volkswagen had become outdated, and organisation started expanded their product line in the early 70s to 90s of the 19th century ( 2018). The company launched various new models during that period such as Golf, Coupe, Jetta and Cabriolet ( 2018). Since then the firm had multiple models and considered as one of the global giants in the worldwide automobile industry. Volkswagen focused on operational management and implemented change management to improve their operational efficiency. The organisation had expanded their business to all parts of the world and established their factories ( 2018). Innovation and technology are components used by the firm to improve the efficiency of their cars, and the organisation experienced highest global sales for a couple of years. The emission scandal in 2015 reduced their operating margin and they are still trying to recover from the effect. Toyota is the market leader in this segment having an operating margin of 9-10 % (Rhodes 2016). The operating margin of Volkswagen is 6% that is quite low when compared to its competitors. Volkswagen being a well-reputed organisation globally has been one of the primary choices of the consumers in the premium segment. The company had exported millions of cars all over the world. However, the company admitted to being involved in an emission scandal in the fiscal year of 2015 (Atiyeh 2017). Volkswagen installed a defeat device, which would reduce emission during testing of the cars. However, the emission from the cars was way above the standard and benchmark of the industry. The statistics suggest that 482,000 diesel cars sold with different models in the United States had the cheat device installed in it (Atiyeh 2017). Moreover, 11 million vehicles sold worldwide contained this software and the consumers lost theirs over a reputed brand ( 2016). Volkswagen was fined billions of dollars; criminal investigations were conducted, class action suits and degradation of reputation they have generated. The consumers lost their trust in the organisation, and it was ev ident that it would be difficult to maintain long-term sustainability if they were unable to change their operational policies and overall structure of the company. Volkswagen started restructuring of their processes as a measure of damage control. The market share of the organisation was decreasing even before the scandal was exposed. This meant that there were operational issues in the company yet before they were exposed. There has been a steady decrease in organizational sales and it went down even further after exposure of the scandal. Thus, restructuring of the corporate processes was essential for improving the chances of sustainability in the global environment. Even before the scandal, stock prices of the organisation fell below 13% in 2015 and Volkswagen was unable to acquire high profits during the first and second quarter of the fiscal year in 2015 ( 2016). The operating margin of the organisation has remained a problem, and the operating margin of the organisation is just over 6% on due to the luxury brands that are more profitable. However, it is still much lower when compared to other competitors such as Toyota, which has been ranging between 9-10%, Porsche industry is the leader with 15.75 and Audi is at 9.7% are responsible for elevating their profitability ( 2016). The operating margin of the original brand is 2.6%, which is dragging down the overall profitability of the whole organisation ( 2016). Volkswagen brand was experiencing a lower amount of sales, and it affected the overall profitability as 60% of the total sales volumes were contributed by this brand. Moreover, the organisation had been investing in innovation, and research and development, which is affecting the profitability of the firm even further. Thus, after the exposure of the emission scandal, the organization aimed at increasing their profit margin by increasing the production of electric vehicles and reducing the overall cost of production. Cost cutting had been the biggest plan but the organization would face issues from their workforce as labour has a powerful in the organization ((Painter and Martins 2017). Thus, even though decreasing cost had been the prime objective of the organization, they would have to face many constraints to apply this measure. Moreover, operating margin of Volkswagen brand is low and other methods are required to improve the profit margin of the organisation. million 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 Sales revenue 217,267 213,292 166,016 163,936 31,251 29,357 Cost of sales 176,270 179,382 150,860 155,553 25,410 23,829 Gross profit 40,997 33,911 35,156 28,382 5,841 5,528 Distribution expenses 22,700 23,515 21,453 22,281 1,248 1,234 Administrative expenses 7,336 7,197 5,730 5,646 1,606 1,552 Net other operating result 3,858 7,267 3,306 6,761 552 506 Operating result 7,103 4,069 4,668 6,305 2,435 2,236 Operating return on sales (%) 3.3 1.9 2.5 3.4 7.8 7.6 Share of profits and losses of equity-accounted investments 3,497 4,387 3,433 4,366 64 21 Finance costs and Other financial result 3,308 1,620 3,217 1,695 91 75 Financial result 169 2,767 216 2,671 27 97 Earnings before tax 7,292 1,301 4,884 3,634 2,408 2,333 Income tax expense 1,912 59 1,149 527 763 586 Earnings after tax 5,379 1,361 3,735 3,107 1,645 1,747 Noncontrolling interests 10 10 81 10 91 19 Earnings attributable to VolkswagenAG hybrid capital investors 225 212 225 212 Earnings attributable to VolkswagenAG shareholders 5,144 1,582 3,591 3,310 1,553 1,7 Table 1: Income Statement (Source: 2016) Possible solutions The possible methods of increasing operating margin are a reduction in the cost of goods sold, reduction in the labour and operational cost, increase in the sales revenue and audit of the utilities and insurance. Volkswagen will have to review all their expenses related to production cost, which will consist of manufacturing cost, supplier cost, labour cost and inventory purchase prices. Thus, reduction of initial values is essential for reducing the cost of goods. The second possible option is increasing the volume of sales, which is only possible by selling more products (Zhou 2016). The organisation can also search to make improvements in managing utilities in a better way. Volkswagen can use energy saving schemes to reduce the cost of energy consumption in the factories. However, reduction in operational and labour price is the most crucial factor. Volkswagen will have to reduce the costs if they want to increase their operating margin. The first measure of the company is establishing cost-cutting goals; this means that the organisation will decide on the allocated budget and keep their spending within the chosen range. The next measure is the re-evaluation of organisational suppliers; this is more relevant for organisations that deal with a large number of suppliers. Thus, it is feasible for the firm to identify the suppliers that are willing to provide inventory at lesser prices. Moreover, if the currents supplier find out that Volkswagen is searching for a better option, then the suppliers are likely to reduce the expenses. The next possible solution is increasing the task efficiency of the employees. It has been seen that the number of employees working in Volkswagen is twice of the employees in Toyota. However, the amount of the manufactured product is same. Volkswagen employees 67000 employees in 27 factories all over the world and the gross total comes up to 610,000 workers whereas Toyota has 344,000 workers and both produce the same number of vehicles (Ewing 2016). This shows that they can reduce the number of their workforce to improve their operational efficiency. Thus, the organisation will have to understand the over-allocation of their resources and reduce the number of workforces significantly if they want to maximise the effectiveness of the employees. Volkswagen can reduce the number of benefits and rewards they provide to the employees. The organisation allocates budget for various parties and employee activities, curtailing the cost of these events is a viable option for the company. Moreover, the firm can reduce the allowances they are providing to the employees by minimising the excess cost. The last measure that Volkswagen can implement is wastage of company resources. The organisation can implement strict policies on use of office supplies and trips organised by Volkswagen. The company can also install equipment, which will save energy consumption and increase the efficiency of the organisation. Proposal of new procedure Volkswagen will implement group strategy 2025 to improve their operational sustainability. This is a transformative measure where change management will be implemented. The organization will transform the core business by grabbing the opportunity of gaining new potential market segments. The organization should be focusing on development of new product segment and selling electric based vehicles that are expected to generate 25% of the overall revenue in upcoming years. Innovation, research, and development will be a key in making these adaptations. Digitalization, technology and autonomous driving will be one of the milestones that Volkswagen will have to reach. However, in order to achieve the organization will have to realign the components in business. Thus, the organization will have to make changes to the business model and focus on production of new type of vehicles. Thus, the organization should be aiming to enter the new market by using new mobility solution they have come u p with. The organization should emphasize on optimizations and efficiency of portfolio. However, these plans belong to the long-term category and will take time to achieve. The possible solutions mentioned are crucial factors for attaining the desired goals of the organization and Volkswagen will implement all the above-mentioned strategies to maintain their sustainability in the global automobile environment. Vertical integration is a global operation strategy that will be executed. The organization will be able to reduce the cost of their operations. Volkswagen should be able to control their upstream and downstream suppliers; forming partnership with one of the suppliers to handle manufacturing of some of their products will reduce their cost significantly. The company will be able to achieve economies of scale if they execute this strategy effectively. Congruence problem in market-manufacturer can be reduced by eliminated by using process and product structure matrix. This matrix includes process structure and process choice, which are the indicators of identifying the critical processes and curtailing workforces in non-critical processes. The organization will use midterm planning where the management will meet once a year to set the goals of the next five years. The organization will aim to reach liquidity by setting bars for both technical and economic fronts. The major problem the organization has faced before and after the scandal is maintaining operating margin. Moreover, after the emission scandal the organization will have to keep side billions of dollars for compensations and fines. Thus, the company resources have become limited and they will have to invest properly to improve their operating margin. The organization will have to let go of their workforce but it is not possible because the workforce a considerable amount of control due to its structure and culture. The boards of directors comprise of 10 employee representatives, which is half of the total board (Ewing 2016). Thus, letting go of their huge workforce will be tough as reaching majority during decision-making will be tough. Thus, the company will have to put their operations in to one single division, which will reduce the labour cost. The organization will have to reduce their cost structure as they make negligible profit from their main brand due to this factor. Thus, reducing their cost structure and improving task efficiency are the major factors, which should be implemented. Description of new situation Proper execution of these strategies will completely change the market scenario of the organization. The organization will be able to increase their operating margin by reducing their operational cost. The figures in the table shows that implementation of the strategies will increase the revenue generated in the year of 2015. million 2016 2015 Sales revenue 150,343 149,716 Gross profit 29,660 23,023 Operating result 4,167 7,013 Operating return on sales (%) 2.8 4.7 Table 2: Operations in passenger car business Operations in commercial business car vehicles million 2016 2015 Sales revenue 32,080 30,445 Gross profit 4,899 4,589 Operating result 716 586 Operating return on sales (%) 2.2 1. Table 3: Operations in commercial car business (Source: 2016) Operations in power engine business area million 2016 2015 Sales revenue 3,593 3,775 Gross profit 597 770 Operating result 217 123 Operating return on sales (%) 6.0 3. Table 4: Operations in power engine business area (Source: 2016) Projected figures Sales revenue 177,815 32,080 3,593 31,251 244,739 27,472 217,267 Segment profit or loss (operating result) 5,235 716 217 2,435 8,171 1,068 7,103 as a percentage of sales revenue 2.9 2.2 6.0 7.8 3.3 Capex, including capitalized development costs 15,891 2,433 194 357 16,875 27 16,902 Table 5: Projected figures (Source: 2016) The projected scenario states that there will be increase in operating in most of the segments but as the impact of the scandal on some segment is more it will take time. The operating margin will not grow significantly in a year but in five years, the organization will be able to improve on their cost structure. The organization is generating maximum operating margin from passenger car segment and commercial car segment. However, the power engine segment will need time to improve its operational efficiency and the organization will have to spend more of research and development. The organization will have to monitor continuously the processes so that significant improvement can be made in that business processes. Justification of change The organization has been facing this issue for a long tome due to the organizational structure and setting. This has been a big constraint for the organization but they have been able to bear it because of their profitability and sales volumes in the global context. However, the as the organization is facing liquidity crisis reducing the amount of workforce and curtailing cost in the operational processes is essential. Accumulations of operations in to a single unit will reduce the number of labours and this is essential in cost reduction. Moreover, it can be seen that some of the segments are suffering losses due to this high cost structure of Volkswagen. The organization if follows the footstep of the market leader will be able to produce more volumes of products even by reducing the amount of workforce significantly. The probable solutions to Volkswagens problems are all linked; reducing the workforce and making improvements in the cost structure will fulfil other factors in the study. Task Name Duration Start Finish Implementation plan 123 days Thu 1/4/18 Mon 6/25/18 cost cutting 17 days Thu 1/4/18 Fri 1/26/18 identify cost cutting areas 3 days Thu 1/4/18 Mon 1/8/18 evaluating cost cutting areas 4 days Tue 1/9/18 Fri 1/12/18 implementing cost cutting measures 10 days Mon 1/15/18 Fri 1/26/18 milestone 1 0 days Fri 1/26/18 Fri 1/26/18 Re-evaluation of suppliers 35 days Mon 1/29/18 Fri 3/16/18 identify better suppliers 20 days Mon 1/29/18 Fri 2/23/18 negotiate with new and old suppliers 10 days Mon 2/26/18 Fri 3/9/18 accept the best offer 5 days Mon 3/12/18 Fri 3/16/18 milestone 2 0 days Fri 3/16/18 Fri 3/16/18 increasing task efficiency 13 days Mon 3/19/18 Wed 4/4/18 identifying over allocation 5 days Mon 3/19/18 Fri 3/23/18 evaluating improvement areas 4 days Mon 3/26/18 Thu 3/29/18 implementing plan 4 days Fri 3/30/18 Wed 4/4/18 milestone 3 0 days Wed 4/4/18 Wed 4/4/18 curtailing employee benefits 23 days Thu 4/5/18 Mon 5/7/18 identify the areas of reduction 10 days Thu 4/5/18 Wed 4/18/18 consulting with management 3 days Thu 4/19/18 Mon 4/23/18 implementing plan 10 days Tue 4/24/18 Mon 5/7/18 milestone 4 0 days Mon 5/7/18 Mon 5/7/18 eliminating waste 35 days Tue 5/8/18 Mon 6/25/18 identify waste areas 10 days Tue 5/8/18 Mon 5/21/18 evaluate possible measures 15 days Tue 5/22/18 Mon 6/11/18 implement the measures 10 days Tue 6/12/18 Mon 6/25/18 milestone 5 0 days Mon 6/25/18 Mon 6/25/18 Table 6: Project schedule and Implementation plan (Source: As created by author) The implementation plan consists of all the five factors, which will have to be implemented for making improvement in the operating margin. In order to implement the plan a schedule has been decided and it says that 123 days is required for completing the overall process. The milestones have been set and achieving each of the milestones will be mean a successful implementation of the operational plan. The commencement of each of the processes is dependent on its previous process and thus, execution of each of the processes is crucial. The Gantt chart is showing how each of the tasks is related to the previous task. Recommendation The organization will have to win back the trust of the consumers, which they have lost due to the emission scandal. The consumers will not buy products from Volkswagen due to the steady decrease in their brand value and thus, the organization will have to restructure their organization in order to survive under this brand name. Restructuring of the organization will comprise of cost reduction and workforce reduction. This is only possible by merging various processes within the organization and finding effective ways of implementing it. Thus, the organization will have to focus on other segments where the revenue generation is still consistent to support other segments that are lagging. Conclusion This case study presents the case of Volkswagen that has faced issues in managing their operations for a long time. The organization headquarters in Germany and due to their macro environmental limitations, board of directors in every organization will comprise of employee representative. Volkswagen has not been able to generate too much profit margin due to its huge structure and workforce. The case study has provided relevant data, which shows that the organization has been issues with their operating margin for along time. However, the emission scandal was the point when they realized the fact that it is essential to improve their operating margin if they want to sustain in the global automobile industry. The organization lost its liquidity, as they had to pay huge number of fines for using cheat devices in over million cars worldwide. Thus, due to this cash crunch, the organization had to restructure the operational processes to improve their operating margin. The organization ne eded to improve their profit margin to compensate for the heavy losses they have incurred due to exposure of this scandal. Thus, the conclusion than can be drawn form the study is that operation management is an essential component for maintaining the sustainability of every organization. However, different firms operate in different environments and so the operational plans will vary depending on the type of issue a particular organization is facing. Thus, this case study has been able to portray the operational issues and their solutions in an effective manner. References Atiyeh, C., 2017.Everything You Need to Know about the VW Diesel-Emissions Scandal. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jan. 2018]. Ewing, J., 2016.Volkswagen Looks to Deal With Cost Problems, but Faces Constraints. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jan. 2018]., 2016.Forbes Welcome. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jan. 2018]., V. (2018).Volkswagen is founded - May 28, 1937 - [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2018].Heizer, J., 2016.Operations Management, 11/e. Pearson Education India. Painter, C. and Martins, J.T., 2017. Organisational communication management during the Volkswagen diesel emissions scandal: A hermeneutic study in attribution, crisis management, and information orientation.Knowledge and Process Management. Rhodes, C., 2016. Democratic business ethics: Volkswagens emissions scandal and the disruption of corporate sovereignty.Organization Studies,37(10), pp.1501-1518. Shakespeare, S. 2015.Volkswagens reputation has been driven off cliff. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jan. 2018]., 2018.History. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jan. 2018]., 2018.Volkswagen Konzern - AR 2016 - Results of Operations. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jan. 2018]. Zhou, A., 2016. Analysis of the Volkswagen Scandal Possible Solutions for Recovery. Bellin, J., Weiss, N., Breuel, M., Kurrat, M. and Stamprath, C., 2014. Predictive Optimization of the Operating Strategy in Future Volkswagen Vehicles. InAdvanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2014(pp. 133-142). Springer, Cham. Burki, T.K., 2015. Diesel cars and health: the Volkswagen emissions scandal.The Lancet Respiratory Medicine,3(11), pp.838-839. Csizmazia, R.A., 2014. Reconfiguration of Supply Chain at Volkswagen Group to Develop Global.International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences,4(12), p.294. Tse, Y.K., Zhang, M., Doherty, B., Chappell, P., Moore, S.R. and Keefe, T., 2017. Exploring the hidden pattern from tweets: Investigation into Volkswagen emissions scandal. InSupply Chain Management in the Big Data Era(pp. 172-198). IGI Global.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Financial Reporting Managerial Extraction †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Financial Reporting Managerial Rent Extraction? Answer: Introduction: Insider trading is a term that explains the exchange of securities of any organisation by any person, who has the access to the non-public security information of that organisation. The process can be described as a legal or an illegal process depending on the time span when this trading is occurring (Agrawal and Nasser 2012). If the material security information about any organisation remains non-public then this practice can be explained by an illegal procedure. The process only remains legal when the owners or the directors of the company sell shares or bonds via legal transaction. Due to this illegal trading other stockholders of any organisation faces many disadvantages (Agrawal and Cooper 2015). The following report contains a discussion about a case of insider trading took place in a private owned hedge fund company, The Galleon Group. The company earned own and others profit by management of stocks, hedge funds and portfolios for other investors, resulting in an investor income of approximately $7 billion (Denis and Xu 2013). In 2009, the head of the company Raj Rajaratnam had been accused in 14 different cases of conspiracy and security deceit majorly related to insider trading. The purpose of this project is to study the case thoroughly and identify the key points. Depending on those key points some questions are needed to be answered which are associated with information gathering techniques that had appeared in this case, effect of sharing confidential security information of the organisation and effectiveness of accusing Rajaratnam and others in order to stop further inside trading across the world. Information Gathering Techniques: In order to gather information Raj Rajaratnam had used several techniques which are very much common in Wall Street. The general technique of gathering information about different other companies is either to plant informers in that specific organisation or organisations or to convince some employee of another organisation to share confidential information about that company (Vishwanath 2015). This process of sharing information can take place through different networking media like telephone, fax and exchanges of document. As per the evidences gathered, Rajaratnam had made approximately 45 phone calls to different individual regarding insider trading (Agapova and Madura 2013). These calls had been recorded and from the verification it came up that within those individuals 6 people had already been convicted. According to the recordings, many inside information had been shared between some investors or employees of other organisation and Rajaratnam. Those information were yet to be released in public (Crudo and Ravdin 2014). Evidences show that Rajaratnam tried to cover up the incidents by telling others to destroy the evidences. Additionally, evidences of inside tips of decreasing stock price of Goldman Sachs, which just had been presented one day ago, had been delivered to Rajaratnam by someone within the board members of Goldman Sachs (Agrawal and Nasser 2012). During the prosecution of Rajaratnam more information about his tactics had come forward. From the testimony of an employee of Galleon group, Anil Kumar, Rajaratnam had wired a sum of $1.75 million to a confidential seashore account in order to hire him to lay the role of a consultant who will not follow the fundamentals of traditional industry research (Agrawal and Cooper 2015). Wall Street is familiar with this kind of insider trading techniques (Beny and Seyhun 2012). Many cases familiar to this one had already been occurred in the past (Pollman 2012). There are some renowned cases of insider trading. Stock market crash in 1929, where Albert H. Wiggin has been convicted for shorting 40,000 shares of his company purposefully, the pre-recognition scandals of Levine, Boesky, Milken and Siegel, share and utilization of inside stock information through journal columns by R. Foster Winans and internal information gathering and selling shares for own profit by Samuel Waskal and Martha Stewart are some examples (Chen, Martin and Wang 2012). Investigation Techniques: The investigation techniques of Federal government had mainly followed the procedures of wiretapping (Vishwanath 2015). The main objective of this procedure is to collect conversation records so that the prosecution can show evidences against the convict (Atkins 2013). In this case, due to wiretapping, conversations between Rajaratnam and Rajat Gupta, a member of the board of Goldman Sachs had come in front where various inside information had been shared (Presto 2017). For example, the news of investment of $5 billion stocks in Galleon Sachs by Berkshire Hathaway had been leaked by Rajat Gupta over the phone before it becomes public (Alldredge and Cicero 2015). As a result Galleon bought 175,000 shares of Goldman Sachs and after selling them made a profit of almost $900,000. This method had never been used for detection in inside trading and for that defence team of Rajaratnam pressed criminal charges against federal bureau of investigation, which had been denied by the Supreme Cour t (Baker 2016). Prevention of Insider Tradings: In order to reduce these practices some definite steps are needed to be taken by the investors, executives and regulators. Firstly it is most important for any organisation to set the definition of non public information and material of the organisation and to check the employee possessions of such materials before trading (Beneish, Press and Vargus 2012). Access to the non public information of the company along with other information of business, strategies, profits and future plans should be made limited among the employees and managers of an organisation on a needto-know basis (Agrawal and Cooper 2015). It should be strictly followed that confidential information must not get outside of the company under any circumstances (Chira and Madura 2013). Additionally, the employees and managers of different departments should be informed about the significance of maintaining the confidentiality (Vishwanath 2015). Restriction of non public information can be done by following some steps. Company transaction should be done securely and information should be kept with the transaction related employee (Smales and Thul 2017). Access to the soft and hard copy of the informative files should be maintained in a need to know basis (Alldredge and Cicero 2015). Removal of confidential documents from conference room gives very small room to trade information (Beny and Seyhun 2012). Many times disposal of non public agreements after using reduces the risk of insider trading. Executives like compliance officer of any organisation is the responsible person for setting the processes and policies for the company, maintaining the terms and conditions for preservation of confidential information of the company, monitoring company trades and implementing professional code of conduct along with the principles of the board of company (Beneish, Press and Vargus 2012). They are the company professionals who protect the company from insider trading (Denis and Xu 2013). The trading window of the securities of any organisation shall be opened for the designated employees after the public release of earning data for the respective fiscal quarter (Pollman 2012). The transaction of more than 5000 shares of a company by a designated employee must be pre-cleared by the designated authority of the company (Atkins 2013). The regulation of pre clearance should be done in a periodic manner such as if within a week the trading of securities has not been completed by the employee or director; a pre-clearance will be required for trading further. Role of Financial Regulators: Another important role in preventing insider trading is played by the financial regulator under any financial jurisdiction. Security and Exchange Commission is the financial regulating body in United States of America (Del Guercio, Odders-White and Ready 2013). They monitor all the activities related to trading and commercial events like organisational takeovers and announcements, so that they could discover and investigate the illegal activities like inside trading and others (Driggers 2012). SEC is the main organisation is U.S. where any complain is registered regarding the irregularities of trading, suspicion of foul play and others (Crudo and Ravdin 2014). Risk Factors Related with Confidentiality: Business confidentiality can be described by the secret embracement of business information. Each organisation contains some sensitive information which can be used for the progress of that organisation and its employees (Denis and Xu 2013). Leakage of that information or losing the confidentiality may result in harmful ways for the company and its employees. These ways can be described as monetary losses, job losses, wastage of time in judicial procedures, economic penalties and other staffs (Pollman 2012). General risks for an organisation due to lack of confidentiality can be referred as accidental divulgence, ex-employee theft, absence of confidentiality agreements computer thefts and many more (Reed and Brunson 2013). Trade secret disclosure to clients, customers, service providers or contractors without a confidentiality agreement or a non-disclosure agreement, results in leak of non public information, moreover insider trading (Presto 2017). This agreement must be shared in order to protect the secrecy of the organisations business information and also in order to provide a pathway for recovering the damages the company has paid due to leakage of information (Raghavan 2013). Another top risk is ex-employee engagement in hampering the confidentiality of the organisation (Beny and Seyhun 2012). Most of the time it has been seen that an employee tries to make a copy of company information in the time of leaving that he or she can remain in the market competition (Beneish, Press and V argus 2012). That explains the way of information theft by online or offline. Incident relating Galleon groups and Goldman Sachs: In the case of Rajaratnam the effects of leakage of confidential business information can be observed clearly. There are several examples of information theft in this whole case study. On September 23, 2008 in a board meeting of Goldman Sachs authorities had discussed about an investment of $5 billion stocks by Berkshire Hathaway (Raghavan 2013). This confidential information had been leaked before public announcement by a board member, Rajat Gupta to Rajaratnam. Following the information Galleon groups had bought 175,000 shares of stalk of Goldman Sacks (Skaife, Veenman and Wangerin 2013). After public announcement the stock price had increased and as a result Galleon Groups had made a profit of $900,000 (Presto 2017). The breach in confidentiality as Goldman Sachs generated a huge profit for Galleon groups illegally. Stock Trading: The knowledge of stock prices is the key of trading of stocks. The main objective of stock trading is buying low and selling high (Patel et al. 2015). Any person dealing with stocks always want to gain profit by selling at a higher price than buying price. In commercial field, any organisation is benefitted if it has the knowledge about the future rise or fall of stock prices (Rawat et al. 2013). But this method of acquiring non public stock information for trading of stocks is highly unethical. No government justice system provides the rights to do so and this is why the process is illegal (Kaplan et al. 2012). Therefore the decision of an organisation or any person involved in stock market business regarding in purchasing or selling of stocks can be influenced very much by the knowledge of stock (Smales and Thul 2017). Cover-Ups: The case of Galleon group is one of the most famous insiders trading case around Wall Street. Raj Rajaratnam, the owner of this organisation had earned too much profit using this illegal method of business until he had been caught by federal investigators (Baker 2016). He used various methods to cover up his illegal tactics (Reed and Brunson 2013). To provide a cover-up of small-cap stocks, a dwarf had been hired by Rajaratnam as an analyst (Agapova and Madura 2013). In another meeting of Taser International Inc., a trader Keryn Limmer had volunteered to be tased accepting the offer of $5,000 from Rajaratnam (Skaife, Veenman and Wangerin 2013). To attract more investors to his cause, he had thrown a luxurious party at a mansion of weekly charge of $250,000 on a man-made island off the Florida Coast (Smales and Thul 2017). Among his other approaches a few things that can be mentioned. An expenditure of $20 million to settle a federal investigation by developing a fake tax shelter in order to avoid the tax payment of $52 million was one of his approaches (Driggers 2012). Later, he fired his lawyers complaining that he had no information about the illegal shelter. Another approach was hiring Anil Kumar as a consultant at a cost of $1.75 million, which had been wired to a confidential offshore account not for conventional industry research but for insider trading of information (Patel et al. 2015). Investigation and Conviction: Federal investigators had used the technique of wiretapping in this case (Kaplan et al. 2012). This was the first time when an insider trading case had been handled with the use of wiretapping. Many conversations of between Rajaratnam and employees of other companies like Roomy Khan of Intel Corporation and Rajat Gupta of Goldman Sachs had been recorded that became the evidences for this insider trading case (Chen, Martin and Wang 2012). The defence team of Rajaratnam had appealed in the Supreme Court against the aggressive wiretapping technique of federal investigators as these techniques are generally used in the case of drugs, terrorism and organised crimes (Del Guercio, Odders-White and Ready 2013). They told that the evidences were gathered using a deceptive judicial permission and hence it could not be used in prosecution (Agrawal and Nasser 2012). These also had violated the constitutional rights of Rajaratnam (Baker 2016). Against his convictions, these appeals from the defen ce had been proved to be not strong and the Supreme Court has struck to its judgement of 205 years of prison of Rajaratnam along with $63.8 million penalty (Chira and Madura 2013). A loss in the civil lawsuit of insider trading, induced by U.S. Security and Exchange Commission, had set another penalty of Rajaratnam to $92.8 million for the damages which had increased the total penalties of Rajaratnam to $158 million (Crudo and Ravdin 2014). This case was a big success for the federal investigators (Rawat et al. 2013). Along with Rajaratnam they had been able to convict more people from different organisations, like Roomy Khan of Galleon group and formerly a member of Intel, Anil Kumar of McKinsey Co., Rajat Gupta of Goldman Sachs and few others (Kaplan et al. 2012). These people are majorly convicted of sharing inside, non public information of the organisations (Alldredge and Cicero 2015). Each person had been charged with either prison sentence or home arrest for a certain period of time along with penalty charges. Rajat Gupta had been charged with maximum 20 years in prison with a fine of $24.9 million (Atkins 2013). Defence of Rajat Gupta had used wiretapped evidences to prove that he had not been benefitted from the insider trading and also to prove the chances of some other persons involvement in sharing the inside information. Federal Court had however denied all the petitions of Rajat Gupta maintaining his sent ence (Raghavan 2013). Impact: The impact of this case is huge in the commercial sector regarding hedge funds. Number of people charged with conspiracy and insider trading was almost 26. 4 billion dollar of investments were reduced from the company and in 2009, Galleon group was closed. The case had been a wake-up call for the Wall Street. The companies affected by the network of this illegal practice were Google, IBM, Intel, Goldman Sachs, 3Com Corp, Axcan Pharma, Atheros, Akamai Technologies and some others (Driggers 2012). There will definitely be a change in the trend of sharing non public information by the investors and other fund managers. However, the extent of this change will not be a great one (Rawat et al. 2013). Conviction of Rajaratnam and the other people and their huge penalties will definitely give the other hedge fund managers a matter to consider the work of the justice system and the investigation team had been exceptional in this case (Chira and Madura 2013). Use of advance techniques like wiretapping in information gathering will make the corrupt investors and employees more cautious about their activities and their respective consequences (Skaife, Veenman and Wangerin 2013). The analysis of risk and benefits of Rajaratnam in this case might had presented an assurance that the benefits are comparatively larger than the risk, but according to the experts, if any trading generates too many unethical and legal issues that can be turned into criminal prosecution and ultimately result in a prison sentence, that trading should be avoided (Agapova and Madura 2013). The major objective of the firms competing in the financial market is to stay on the top by any means and insider trading is one of the fastest and profitable ways, despite of its highly unethical approach (Patel et al. 2015). Therefore, demolishing the practice of insider trading with one big success is not quite possible for the financial regulating organisations like SEC (Chen, Martin and Wang 2012). For setting an example the penalties in Rajaratnam case had been strictly implemented despite of various defence pleadings of the convicted (Reed and Brunson 2013). Therefore hedge-fund managers and the investors will try to cover up their activities as much as they can (Del Guercio, Odders-White and Ready 2013). Conclusion: Therefore, from the above report on insider trading, derived from the case study of Galleon group, the effects of insider trading can be clearly obtained. Insider trading is not only an illegal practice but also it is highly unethical. Success of any organisation and progress of its employees depends on maintaining the sensitive information of that organisation confidential. Sharing of confidential information of business of any organisation can not only result in a vast reduction of company profits but it can also result in total collapse of that organisation. Raj Rajaratnam, the director of Galleon groups had implemented various insider trading techniques to achieve high profitability with some other employees of some companies like Intel, Akamai Technologies, Axcan Pharma, Goldman Sachs and others. These companies had been heavily impacted due to leakage of confidential information. However, this profitability of Galleon group did not remain same for a long time as the federal inv estigators finally became successful on convicting them of their crimes using new investigation techniques. Ultimately Rajaratnam and other benefactors were sentenced to prison for a long time and charged a huge penalty. 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